What is Ozone Water?
Oxygen occurs naturally in the atmosphere in its most stable form as 2 oxygen atoms joined together to form the O2 molecule. Ozone is simply the addition of an extra oxygen atom to make it O3. In water, oxygen naturally occurs as a single atom with 2 hydrogen atoms to form H20 - water in it's natural state - and contains dissolved Oxygen as the stable O2 molecule. By introducing a small electric charge we can get the oxygen molecules in the water to form loose bonds with an additional oxygen atom to make for dissolved O3 - or ozonated water. Ozone (O3) is a far less stable chemical compound and quickly degenerates into the more stable oxygen compound. Ozone is simply an activated form of oxygen that can be used therapeutically in a number of ways including intravenous injection, blood transfusion, ozone showers and ozonated drinking water.
The Health-O-Zone hydroelectric ozone generator filters large particles from municipal tap water or ground water, however the real improvement in water quality comes from the increased oxygen levels. The increased oxygen levels in the water kills harmful pathogens in the drinking water and has been proven to attack diseased and unhealthy cells in the body when we drink it. It also kills harmful pesticides when we wash our foodstuffs in it, increasing shelf life and acts as a good external antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.
One of the quickest ways to improve cellular health is to increase oxygenation. It has been proven not only that oxygen deprivation at the cellular level leads to disease but also that oxygen has the ability to heal diseased cells and kill a variety of harmful bacteria. Increased cellular oxygenation may be achieved by a live (organic or raw food) diet, deep breathing, exercise and drinking enough clean water to be fully hydrated.
Drinking ozonated water is considered one of the simplest and least expensive ways to get ozone safely into the bloodstream.
Contact us to order your Health-O-Zone hydroelectric ozone water generating tap for the home.
The Health-O-Zone hydroelectric ozone generator filters large particles from municipal tap water or ground water, however the real improvement in water quality comes from the increased oxygen levels. The increased oxygen levels in the water kills harmful pathogens in the drinking water and has been proven to attack diseased and unhealthy cells in the body when we drink it. It also kills harmful pesticides when we wash our foodstuffs in it, increasing shelf life and acts as a good external antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.
One of the quickest ways to improve cellular health is to increase oxygenation. It has been proven not only that oxygen deprivation at the cellular level leads to disease but also that oxygen has the ability to heal diseased cells and kill a variety of harmful bacteria. Increased cellular oxygenation may be achieved by a live (organic or raw food) diet, deep breathing, exercise and drinking enough clean water to be fully hydrated.
Drinking ozonated water is considered one of the simplest and least expensive ways to get ozone safely into the bloodstream.
Contact us to order your Health-O-Zone hydroelectric ozone water generating tap for the home.
Ozone Water is a division of Nashakele Specialist Imports (Pty) Ltd