Today more than 1,1 billion people world wide do not have access to clean drinking water. Mainly poor people living in remote communities in developing countries suffer from contaminated water. In order to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals for drinking water supply, large efforts and cooperation between government and non-government organisations is required. This is the only way to secure access to safe water sources for residents in remote areas.

The Swiss company Trunz Water Systems has converted the vision of a self-sufficient water treatment system into practice. The compact and exceptionally energy efficient water treatment and desalination systems are powered by integrated photovoltaic and wind generators. This means that there are virtually no boundaries to using this system anywhere in the world.
The operation of water shops is already established in some areas and remarkable success has been achieved.
The operation of water shops is already established in some areas and remarkable success has been achieved.

Trunz Water Systems is now targeting a next level with the WATER SHOP CONCEPT. This innovative solution is going one step further by using renewable energy and exceptionally energy efficient water treatment units to operate water shops in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.
The WATER SHOP CONCEPT is much more than a technical solution - it is our vision to achieve maximum impact!
The WATER SHOP CONCEPT is much more than a technical solution - it is our vision to achieve maximum impact!
- Producing Green energy to operate the water shops sustainably
- Raising awareness for issues related to water, sanitation and health
In order to achieve maximum support the concept envisages to involve all stakeholders. The shop concept acts as a catalyst for low-income and has positive impact for small scale trade possibilities. The concept provides relief to the people who did not have safe water in the past. The people are served with reliable and affordable water.
1. Credit Grants
Financial institutes, funds, development organisations etc. grant a credit to the franchise organisation. Similar to micro-credit foundations, they provide pro-poor financing and act as supervisor to the franchise organisation. The investment has to be profit orientated yet socially responsible and sustainable.
Financial institutes, funds, development organisations etc. grant a credit to the franchise organisation. Similar to micro-credit foundations, they provide pro-poor financing and act as supervisor to the franchise organisation. The investment has to be profit orientated yet socially responsible and sustainable.
2. Franchise Organisation
The shop infrastructure is owned by a franchise organisation that is established for this purpose. The franchise organisation may be the local water authority or another organisation. They are responsible to search for water shop operators and issue franchise contracts.
The franchise organisation is responsible for installation, maintenance and training of new shop operators and has to appoint one person who is responsible to visit each water shop operator every two weeks in order to collect earnings and provide assistance for sales or technical issues.
The shop infrastructure is owned by a franchise organisation that is established for this purpose. The franchise organisation may be the local water authority or another organisation. They are responsible to search for water shop operators and issue franchise contracts.
The franchise organisation is responsible for installation, maintenance and training of new shop operators and has to appoint one person who is responsible to visit each water shop operator every two weeks in order to collect earnings and provide assistance for sales or technical issues.
3. Advisory board
The advisory board acts as the independent organisation for recommendations to social, cultural and technical issues. The advisory board secures regular controlling of rules and regulations. The advisory board consists of leaders within the community, development committees or other organisations.
They are involved in the implementation of the water shop concept but without any commercial aspect.
Their goal is to secure independence and on-going operation of the water shops free from any political, religious or other interferences.
The advisory board acts as the independent organisation for recommendations to social, cultural and technical issues. The advisory board secures regular controlling of rules and regulations. The advisory board consists of leaders within the community, development committees or other organisations.
They are involved in the implementation of the water shop concept but without any commercial aspect.
Their goal is to secure independence and on-going operation of the water shops free from any political, religious or other interferences.
4. Water Shop Operators
The operators sell safe drinking water for an affordable price. The price is set in advance in each country by the water sector regulation organisation. All cash that is collected is deposited with the operator until the franchise organisation collects the money. The operator has to pay the franchise organisation each moth according to the water meter and receives commission for every litre of water sold.
The operator may sell other goods related to sanitation, hygiene and healthcare which could be financed by a preliminary micro-credit. Additionally the operator is responsible to keep the shop clean and has to report any technical or any other problems to the franchise organisation. The shop has regular opening hours.
The operators sell safe drinking water for an affordable price. The price is set in advance in each country by the water sector regulation organisation. All cash that is collected is deposited with the operator until the franchise organisation collects the money. The operator has to pay the franchise organisation each moth according to the water meter and receives commission for every litre of water sold.
The operator may sell other goods related to sanitation, hygiene and healthcare which could be financed by a preliminary micro-credit. Additionally the operator is responsible to keep the shop clean and has to report any technical or any other problems to the franchise organisation. The shop has regular opening hours.
5. Provider of Technical Equipment
Trunz Water Systems is the technical partner providing the water treatment and solar equipment. The Swiss company is the market leader for decentralised drinking water systems which are powered by renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. With more than 650 installations in over 35 countries for fresh water and salt water as well as many more installations for solar electrification, Trunz Water Systems has the solutions and the technological know-how to supply the water shops with economical and reliable equipment.
Trunz Water Systems is the technical partner providing the water treatment and solar equipment. The Swiss company is the market leader for decentralised drinking water systems which are powered by renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. With more than 650 installations in over 35 countries for fresh water and salt water as well as many more installations for solar electrification, Trunz Water Systems has the solutions and the technological know-how to supply the water shops with economical and reliable equipment.